Although it is most common in athletes, even those who live a rather sedentary lifestyle are still susceptible to developing sprained ankles, but treatment is available with an Ankle Surgeon in Farmingdale. At Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York, we’ve helped many patients overcome this type of injury in the past with the help of our skilled foot/ankle specialists. By choosing to work with our ankle surgeon in Farmingdale after suffering a sprained ankle, you’ll increase the likelihood of making a quick and full recovery.
What Is An Ankle Sprain?
Your ankle joints are held together by band-like tissues known as ligaments. When put under enough pressure, these ligaments can be forced outside of their normal range of motion, leading to sprains. Though any of the ligaments in your ankle can suffer this fate, sprains usually develop on the outer portion. If any of the below symptoms become present as a result of this injury, please consult with our ankle surgeon in Farmingdale for assistance:
- Swelling.
- Bruising.
- The ankle joint is tender to the touch.
- Experiencing a popping sound or sensation at the initial time of injury.
Common Causes Of Ankle Sprains
Many different instances can lead to the ligaments of your ankle being pushed past their normal positions/limitations. While these instances are more typical in sports, they are not limited to competitive physical activity. The following are some of the most common causes of ankle sprains:
- Walking or running on uneven surfaces.
- Twisting your ankle due to falls.
- Jumping and coming down awkwardly on your foot.
Treatment With Our Ankle Surgeon In Farmingdale
The severity of your ankle sprain plays a direct role in the treatment you will receive. Ankle sprains can vary from minor overextensions to ligaments that have completely torn. By making an appointment with our ankle surgeon in Farmingdale, your injury will be properly diagnosed by our staff, and the most beneficial form of treatment will be administered. Examples of treatments that we offer at FAASNY include a few of the following:
- A mixture of rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
- Anti-inflammatory medication.
- Wearing a brace and using crutches to help stabilize and keep weight off the joint.
- Surgery to reconstruct the torn ligament.
Schedule An Appointment
Letting a sprained ankle linger will leave your life filled with pain, and in extreme cases, it may cause the injury to become even worse. At Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York, we’ll help to prevent this injury situation from becoming any worse. Our ankle surgeon in Farmingdale will determine what the best course of action is for treatment and then formulate a comprehensive treatment plan for your benefit. When you’re ready to find the relief you need, schedule an appointment today.