Here at the Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York, we want to emphasize the importance of keeping your feet and ankles healthy. Sometimes when an ankle injury is severe, surgery is the only option that will lead to a full recovery. Our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst would like to inform you about what you should expect during the recovery process so you can avoid any complications post-op.
What To Expect After Ankle Surgery?
While every type of ankle surgery is different, the basics of post-operative care are often similar. If you are looking to ease some of your stress that you’ve been feeling, knowing what to expect during the recovery process can help you prepare ahead of time. Our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst will provide you with the information you need following your procedure. Your recovery timeframe will likely be based upon the type of ankle surgery you undergo. After the procedure, you will need to limit your activity and keep off your injured ankle until your strength and range of motion improve. You can expect some of the following after your surgery:
- Rest – Resting can be one of the most important tools you will need to do after surgery to give your ankle time to heal. Depending on your procedure, you may need a few days or several weeks of rest to recover.
- Elevation – To minimize swelling, you will likely need to elevate your ankle and ice it as much as possible for a few weeks.
- Wearing a boot or cast – You may need to wear a boot to protect your ankle during your recovery and help you walk. Consult with your doctor on whether or not this is an option for you.
- Caring for bandages – After some surgeries, you may have bandages around your ankle. You will need to keep them dry and clean and cover them when you shower.
- Removing Stitches – Stitches or staples typically come out 2-3 weeks after your surgery, depending upon your case.
- Therapeutic Exercises – Depending on your case’s severity, your doctor may recommend that you do exercises to improve your range of motion.
You will also need to watch out for post-operative complications. Your ankle surgeon in Elmhurst will give you a list of warning signs to look for following your operation. Let your surgeon know if you experience any complications after your surgery, such as fever or pain that doesn’t let up.
Ankle Surgeon in Elmhurst
Having to undergo ankle surgery can be nerve-wracking. Our team at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York wants to make sure that you feel as relaxed as possible so you can focus on healing and getting back on your feet. For more information about our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst, contact our office today!

The average American will take between 5,000 and 7,000 steps each day. With so much travel to be had each year, your ankles are subject to copious amounts of stress. As weight-bearing joints, the ability for your ankles to function properly is paramount to safe and pain-free movement. When this joint becomes injured, seeking swift treatment is important to help you make a full recovery, and that is where our team at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York can help. Our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst can provide a full assessment of your condition and determine if surgery will be required.
Common Ankle Injuries
No matter your activity level, an ankle injury can take place at any time. While some can be treated with rest and bracing, others will need to be surgically repaired for proper healing to take place. At Foot And Ankle Surgeons of New York, our staff specializes in this form of treatment. Our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst may recommend surgery if you’ve sustained any of the below injuries:
- Severe ligament sprains or tears.
- Fractures.
- Bone breaks.
- Dislocations.
When To Seek Professional Care
Throughout our lives, our body will undoubtedly suffer its fair share of bumps and bruises. While you may be able to live with some pain until it dissipates, you must be able to distinguish between when it is safe to do so, and when a serious injury has taken place. If you experience any of the below symptoms, seek the help of our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst right away:
- Severe swelling, bruising, or discoloration of the ankle.
- Inability to bear any weight on the joint.
- Visible disfiguration of the joint.
- Experiencing a popping sensation at the time of injury.
- Debilitating pain.
Working With Our Ankle Surgeon In Elmhurst
The only way to truly know if you need ankle surgery is to be examined by a medical professional. Our team is composed of top surgeons that understand what aspects of the evaluation point towards the need for an operation. Imaging tests such as X-rays and MRIs can point to structural damage that only surgery can fix. Rest assured that our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst always has your best interest in mind, and will only recommend surgery if there are no other options.
Contact Us
Suffering an ankle injury can be devastating to your overall health. If you believe ankle surgery may be in your future, working with a qualified team will increase the likelihood of making a full recovery. To schedule an appointment to see if an operation is necessary, contact our ankle surgeon in Elmhurst today.
Sports Injury Ankle Surgery

Whether it’s football, basketball, or soccer, most people have rolled an ankle or painfully twisted their leg at some point. When we push our bodies too hard and injure them, it is essential to seek treatment. For athletes who have severely sprained or torn a ligament in their ankles or feet, contacting an ankle surgeon in Elmhurst at FAASNY can be the best decision you make for your recovery.
Why Ankle Surgery?
Almost half of all ankle sprains occur from sports and after the first injury, the ligament is at a higher risk of getting sprained again. When this occurs, anatomic surgery may be the best option to eliminate the chance of further injury. Here is some more information:
- Anatomic reconstruction – during these procedures, our surgeons will use the original ligaments to restore ankle function, whenever possible. For chronic or neglected injuries, synthetic ligaments are used to restore anatomical alignment and function.
- Following a procedure with an ankle surgeon in Elmhurst, recovery time is a critical period to keep pressure off your feet and focus on rehabilitating your condition. Up to two weeks after the surgery, you’ll wear a cast around your lower leg to protect the ankle from external forces. Following this phase, around two to four weeks after surgery, you can begin to wear a boot and start physical therapy. You will be able to wear regular shoes by about six weeks. Finally, twelve weeks following surgery, you’ll likely be ready to start slowly getting active again.
Every person’s recovery is different, so consulting with your ankle surgeon in Elmhurst is essential.
How We Can Help
At Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York, we are dedicated to treating your injuries so you can return to the sport you love. Our foot and ankle ankle surgeons in Elmhurst will be able to make sure that your surgery and recovery process go smoothly. For more information, contact us today!