What is a flat foot?
Flat foot is a term that refers to a collapsed arch. The general medical term is pes planovalgus. Many children have flat feet but have no symptoms. Some studies estimate that 80% to 90% of babies born in North America have flat foot and most of them grow up to have normal foot structure. About 20% of them, however, continue to have flat feet into adolescence and adulthood and experience symptoms as a result.
Are there different types of flat feet?
Flat feet typically can be categorized as either flexible, where the foot is easily maneuverable; or rigid, where the joints of the foot has limited motion. Flexible flat foot is more common. In this condition, the foot joints have adequate motion, and in most cases too much motion, and the arch is able to be recreated when not standing on the foot. A rigid flat foot on the other hand, has very little motion and has the same flat shape whether sitting or standing.
When to treat flat foot?
If there is pain associated with flat foot, treatment should be initiated. Common complaints with flat foot are arch pain, a “bump” on the inside of the foot often causing irritation in shoes, and “ankle” pain. The ligaments and tendons supporting the arches can become fatigued and cause pain. The ‘bump’ is often protruding bone as a result of misaligned joints, and what is often referred to as “ankle” pain is actually pain of the sinus tarsi and subtalar joints—the joints immediately underneath the ankle. Shin splints, tightness and cramps of the calf muscles, and even keen pain are associated with flat feet.
Should children be evaluated for flat feet?
Even if your child exhibits none of these complaints, but there is a concern of flat feet or there is a familial history of flat feet it is a good idea to see a foot and ankle specialist for an evaluation. There are certainly cases where conservative treatment can prevent progression of an existing flat foot and prevent onset of symptoms.
Flat Feet Surgery
In many cases, conservative treatments such as anti-inflammatory medications and injections, physical therapy, and foot and ankle orthotic devices can be very helpful in treating the symptoms and preventing recurrence. These treatments are less helpful in rigid flat feet. In most cases of rigid flat foot, a coalition is the cause and this needs to be managed surgically.
If there is continued pain even after conservative treatments, and activities such as walking, running or participating in sports become difficulty, surgery should be considered. The pain may be very specific in some cases but is often is described as a generalized feeling of fatigue and discomfort of the feet. In any case, flat feet with continued pain that is not resolved with conservative treatment should be evaluated for surgery. Do you think you could benefit from Flat Feet Surgery? Contact the experts at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York.
What types of surgery are there for flat foot?
A comprehensive examination including gait analysis, weightbearing x-rays and sometimes MRI or CT scans are necessary before deciding on the type of surgery. There is no one specific surgery that will correct flat foot; often a combination of soft tissue and bony procedure is required. Often, a realignment of the heel bone (calcaneal osteotomy) is the main procedure. Additional osteotomies of the midfoot bones or tendon lengthening or transfers may be necessary. In some cases, especially in rigid flat foot, fusion of certain joints may be warranted. Each case of flat foot is different and an individualized treatment plan is necessary.
What can be expected after flat foot surgery?
Children recuperate quickly after surgery and has shorter rehabilitation periods and often do not require formal physical therapy. In adults, depending on the procedure, physical therapy might be necessary to strengthen the muscles that have weakened while in a cast or boot.
Pediatric Foot Surgery in NYC
In addition to flat feet, FAASNY also provides treatment for pediatric feet-related injuries such as the following:
- Ingrown Nails
- Plantar Warts
- Juvenile Bunions
- Polydactyly
- Metatarsus Adductus
- Club Feet
For more information on pediatric foot surgery in NYC, please click here.