Our foot and ankle surgeons and podiatrists in NYC and Long Island are dedicated to providing the best in surgical and non-surgical treatments for orthopedic conditions affecting the foot and ankle. If you’ve been searching for a Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst, we’ve got you covered.
All our doctors are extensively trained in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and conditions of the lower leg, ankle, and foot.
We treat conditions including heel pain and plantar fasciitis, arch pain, bunions, hammertoes, arthritis, tendinitis, fractures and sprains of the foot and ankle. We also specialize in surgical and nonsurgical treatment of diabetic problems affecting the foot including diabetic ulcers and Charcot’s foot. We provide custom orthotics and shoes.
Our practice philosophy is to examine patients on the whole rather than only from the foot and ankle. Many diseases present initially in the lower extremities, just as they may also in the later stages. A specialist, therefore, must always be able to think like a generalist–while still being a specialist. We are a group of professional, empathetic and interested practitioners who specialize in all conditions of the lower extremity within an inviting and state of the art office setting. Our office staff is cheerful, up to date and eager to assist you in all of your needs outside of the exam room.
Since the very early days of our training, each of us has discovered the love for our profession and the absolute art that medicine and surgery can and should always be.
We thank you in advance for your consideration in providing us with the absolute privilege of treating your conditions.
We are a group of professional, empathic and interested practitioners who specialize in all conditions of the lower extremity within an inviting and modern office setting. Our office staff is cheerful, up to date and eager to assist you in all of your needs outside of the exam room.

Dr. De Lucia completed his training at the New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens after graduation from New York University and the New York College of Podiatric Medicine. He is dual Board Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and the American Board of Podiatric Medicine. He also proudly serves as an Honorary Police Surgeon of the New York City Police Department.

Upon graduation from Cornell University and New York College of Podiatric Medicine, Dr. Alencherry completed residency training at New York Hospital Queens. He is dual Board Certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery and the American Board of Podiatric Medicine. He is a teaching faculty of New York-Presbyterian Queens hospital.
Recent Blog Posts From Our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst

With gyms closed in New York for the foreseeable future, many people have taken to alternative means of staying healthy. Running is an excellent way to do so this summer. However, if you choose to go for an outdoor jog, you must work to take care of your feet. Lagging on this responsibility can lead to health problems taking place that our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst will need to help correct. For advice on keeping your feet healthy from our team of experts at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York, please schedule an appointment online via our website.
Replacing Your Shoes
It’s important not to get attached to your favorite pair of running shoes. Experts say that shoes should be replaced after running for between 350 and 500 miles. Running in worn-out shoes can lead to blisters and other ailments developing. When you’re ready to purchase a new pair, we recommend focusing on the following:
- Shop for new shoes at night when your feet are most swollen to get the most accurate idea of their fit.
- Choose shoes that fit snuggly and offer ankle and arch support.
- Focus on comfort, not brand names.
- Make sure the toe box is wide enough to prevent friction.
Choosing Your Socks
Your shoes are not the only important thing to focus on when you become a runner. Choosing the right pair of socks is just as important in preventing injuries and ailments. Certain socks can cause friction and lead to discomfort when running. Our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst recommends the below tips:
- Avoid cotton socks when possible.
- Consider using acrylic brands.
- Never run in wet socks.
Consider Using An Orthotic Brace
The best way to avoid injuries and care of your feet as a runner is to make sure your ankles and arches are always supported. While choosing the right shoe places a crucial role in this factor, there are other ways to make sure you’re at optimal support. Purchasing an athletic brace is a great way to keep your feet protected so that you can stay on the path or track in which you’re running. Our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst can determine if a custom orthotic brace is right for you!
Common Running Injuries
Even after you’ve done your part to care for your feet, our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst knows that injuries can still occur. Fortunately, our team at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York is here to help if this takes place. We’re well versed in treating common injuries caused by running, including but not limited to the following ailments:
- Bunions.
- Fractures.
- Sprains.
- Tendonitis.
- Dislocations.
How Our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst Can Help
The treatment offered by our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst will depend on the type of injury you’re experiencing. Sometimes, immobilization through casting or bracing is enough to promote healing. However, for more serious issues, surgery may be required to correct the damage that took place. You can trust that our team will perform a thorough examination to help determine which course of action is best for you.
Contact Us
If you’ve recently sustained an injury while running, or would like to learn more about how to care for your feet, don’t delay your search for answers. Contact our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst today to take the first steps in getting your foot health back.

Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst
Did you know ankle injuries are one of the most common bone and joint injuries? If you are experiencing pain in your ankle, have concerns that you may have broken a bone, or have an inability to walk, you’ll need to contact the Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst, over at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York.
Ankle fractures can develop through a multitude of stimulants. Commonly, simply rolling your ankle inward or outward catalyzes this type of injury. With us now being fully submerged in winter, the risk of obtaining an ankle injury or fracture increases drastically. Slipping and falling on ice is one of the most frequent occurrences for triggering these injuries. By taking preventative measures, your safety will be improved, and this will decrease the risk of ankle fracture. Remember, be careful while engaging in your daily activities during this time and wear proper footwear to help create traction and promote balance.
Symptoms of an ankle fracture include but are not limited to:
- Pain at or around the source of injury.
- Swelling.
- Bruising or blisters.
Should you be experiencing any of these symptoms, give us a call at FAASNY immediately. If you cannot put weight on your ankle, or pain medication hasn’t sufficed, you may need a stronger treatment option. FAASNY, our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst will be able to diagnose your ankle injury by completing a physical examination and providing treatment methods. These techniques may include non-surgical treatments such as rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Should these measures prove to be ineffective, surgery will likely be the next option.
After undergoing your surgical procedure, you must take part in a recovery process. This period of time is crucial in ensuring your ankle injury is healed completely. Because of the fact that each ankle injury is unique, the plan for recovery will differ from case to case. In most cases, you’ll need to follow-up with your foot and ankle surgeon if the fracture was severely damaging. It may take 4-8 weeks for the bones to heal fully and several months following to regain full use of the ankle. More severe cases may take longer to heal. Other helpful tips include refraining from putting weight on your ankle and recommended exercises that may strengthen the area surrounding the ankle.
Ankle injuries are spontaneous in nature. If you are questioning if you have fractured your ankle, get the appropriate support you need and contact our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst. FAASNY will work with you to diagnose your injury and make sure you have the best plan of action moving forward.

Did you know the foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments? Naturally, the foot has a fundamental role in walking and maneuvering. When conditions affect the feet or any other body part, our everyday functions are negatively altered. Osteomyelitis is a rare bone infection caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. It could occur in different areas of the body, and it transmits through the bloodstream. It is most common in the legs or arms for children and the spine or hips for adults. While it only occurs in two of every 10,000 individuals, it is still important to be aware of the symptoms and risk factors. At Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York, we specialize in the treatment of osteomyelitis and other lower extremity conditions. Call today to schedule an appointment with a Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst.
Types of Osteomyelitis
- Acute Osteomyelitis – This type of condition is a bone inflammation that could occur from a puncture wound, bone fracture, abscessed tooth, or sinus/ear infection.
- Chronic Osteomyelitis – This condition occurs if acute osteomyelitis has not completely healed.
- Vertebral Osteomyelitis – Severe back pain signifies this type of condition. Ordinary treatment such as rest and pain relievers may not work effectively.
- Anaerobic Osteomyelitis – This occurs in the lower jawbone, feet, or skull.
- Osteomyelitis from Vascular Insufficiency – This type occurs in patients with diabetes or vascular diseases affecting the individual’s extremities.
The symptoms for each type of osteomyelitis varies, but some of the shared factors are listed below:
- Fever and fatigue.
- Redness and tenderness in the affected area.
- Nausea.
The types of osteomyelitis have more specific symptoms as well. If you have any of the following symptoms, contact your Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst today:
- Acute
- Fever of over 104 °F
- Chills and sweating
- Loss of calcium
- Necrosis
- Bone deformity
- Chronic
- Muscle spasms
- Pus discharge from the infected bone
- Bone separation between infected and healthy bone
- Vertebral
- Significant back pain, ineffectively treated by pain reliever and rest
- Anaerobic
- Ulcers
- Swelling
- Foul smell in the affected area
- Vascular Insufficiency
- Ulcers
- Pus drainage
Risk Factors:
Potential risk factors for osteomyelitis can include some of the following:
- Previous injury
- Urinary tract infection (UTI)
- Endocarditis
- Trauma
- Diabetes
- Hemodialysis
- Spleen removal
- Intravenous drug abuse
Antibiotic treatment is one of the best options for osteomyelitis. Treatment could last from a few days to a few weeks. Your Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst may also consider draining the affected area or using a bone graft if necessary.
The Next Step – Contact Our Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst:
If you need a Podiatrist in NYC that Accepts Healthfirst, FAASNY can help. We specialize in conditions affecting the lower leg and feet. If you have any questions, book an appointment with one of our experienced physicians today.