With gyms closed in New York for the foreseeable future, many people have taken to alternative means of staying healthy. Running is an excellent way to do so this summer. However, if you choose to go for an outdoor jog, you must work to take care of your feet. Lagging on this responsibility can lead to health problems taking place that our podiatrist in Plainview will need to help correct. For advice on keeping your feet healthy from our team of experts at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York, please schedule an appointment online via our website.
Replacing Your Shoes
It’s important not to get attached to your favorite pair of running shoes. Experts say that shoes should be replaced after running for between 350 and 500 miles. Running in worn-out shoes can lead to blisters and other ailments developing. When you’re ready to purchase a new pair, we recommend focusing on the following:
- Shop for new shoes at night when your feet are most swollen to get the most accurate idea of their fit.
- Choose shoes that fit snuggly and offer ankle and arch support.
- Focus on comfort, not brand names.
- Make sure the toe box is wide enough to prevent friction.
Choosing Your Socks
Your shoes are not the only important thing to focus on when you become a runner. Choosing the right pair of socks is just as important in preventing injuries and ailments. Certain socks can cause friction and lead to discomfort when running. Our podiatrist in Plainview recommends the below tips:
- Avoid cotton socks when possible.
- Consider using acrylic brands.
- Never run in wet socks.
Consider Using An Orthotic Brace
The best way to avoid injuries and care of your feet as a runner is to make sure your ankles and arches are always supported. While choosing the right shoe places a crucial role in this factor, there are other ways to make sure you’re at optimal support. Purchasing an athletic brace is a great way to keep your feet protected so that you can stay on the path or track in which you’re running. Our podiatrist in Plainview can determine if a custom orthotic brace is right for you!
Common Running Injuries
Even after you’ve done your part to care for your feet, our podiatrist in Plainview knows that injuries can still occur. Fortunately, our team at Foot and Ankle Surgeons of New York is here to help if this takes place. We’re well versed in treating common injuries caused by running, including but not limited to the following ailments:
- Bunions.
- Fractures.
- Sprains.
- Tendonitis.
- Dislocations.
How Our Podiatrist In Plainview Can Help
The treatment offered by our podiatrist in Plainview will depend on the type of injury you’re experiencing. Sometimes, immobilization through casting or bracing is enough to promote healing. However, for more serious issues, surgery may be required to correct the damage that took place. You can trust that our team will perform a thorough examination to help determine which course of action is best for you.
Contact Us
If you’ve recently sustained an injury while running, or would like to learn more about how to care for your feet, don’t delay your search for answers. Contact our podiatrist in Plainview today to take the first steps in getting your foot health back.